Two centuries ago, the speed and power of a vast stampeding herd of American Bison would churn up clouds of dust that roiled high into the sky, carried for kilometres on the prairie winds. Today, though bisons are greatly reduced in number, we can still see the deeply worn paths of their traditional migratory routes across the Canadian pairies.
Enormous, powerful, invested with exceptional senses of smell and sound, today's bison faces new threats in the Canadian landscape, including habitat destruction, and new diseases–but will doubtless face these dangers as they have others through the millennia: by relying on endurance, determination, and the protective strength of the herd.
Item Number: 125701
Composition: 99.99% pure Silver
Mintage: 50,000
Weight (g): 31.6
Diameter (mm): 40
Face Value: $100
Edge: Serrated
Artists: Claudio D'Angelo (reverse) and Susanna Blunt (obverse)